
We make literature, databases and other search options for research in Economics available to you.

If you want to learn more about research in your field of study or need tips on academic writing and research, you are welcome to attend our courses. We are happy to offer individual advice.


Courses and tutorials

The University Library offers regular trainings on research in Economics. You can watch our online tutorials at any time. We are happy to offer individual advice.

Courses for Economics

Wirtschafts­wissenschaft­liche Literatur finden – Recherche in Datenbanken – German-language Ilias course with learning videos and other self-study materials for an introduction to literature research in business studies and economics databases. The next face-to-face courses will take place in FSS 2025. 

Business Studies and Economics: Literature Search – English-language Ilias course with learning videos and other self-study materials for an introduction to literature search in business studies and economics databases. The next face-to-face course will take place in FSS 2025. 

Academic writing and research

The collection of the University Library includes a variety of guidebooks on academic writing and research, for example:

“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler” by Ebster/Stalzer
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten” by Manuel René Theisen
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben” by Marcus Oehlrich
“Erfolgreich recherchieren – Wirtschaftswissenschaften” by Pianos/Krüger
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler” by Daniela Weber
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Wirtschaftsstudium” by Gleitsmann/Suthaus

At the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, you will find more information on researching literature and academic writing and research in Economics.

The Department of Economics also offers writing advice on its website. Here you will also find information on academic writing and research.

The University Library offers various training and consulting services.


Lorena Steeb, M.Sc.

Lorena Steeb, M.Sc.

Deputy Head of the Administration, Budget and Technical Services Department | Subject Librarian for Business Administration, Economics, Education and Business and Economics Education | Digitiser
University of Mannheim
University Library
Schloss Schneckenhof West – Room SN 272
68161 Mannheim

In case of absence, please contact Katharina Selzer.