We make literature, databases and other search options for research in Economics available to you.
If you want to learn more about research in your field of study or need tips on academic writing and research, you are welcome to attend our courses. We are happy to offer individual advice.
Databases for literature
Databases for research literature, in particular journal articles:
- EconLit - international
- ProQuest One Business – international
- Business Source Ultimate – international
- EconBiz – international and German-speaking countries
- WISO – German-speaking countries and with practical relevance
Databases for current press releases:
Statistical databases
General information on economic data, statistical information and country reports:
Overview and access to Corporate and financial databases
Overview and access to publications by statistica offices and international organizations:
More databases
Use the database information system (DBIS) to find more databases on Economics, in particular statistical databases, and other subject areas.
In the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) and the Primo catalog, you will find e-journals on Economics.
In our Primo catalog, you will find the e-books on Business or Economics which we licensed for you.
For more information on the terms of use, please refer to the Information on using e-books and databases.
Selected e-book packages
- Springer
- Oxford University Press
- Edward Elgar
- Emerald
- De Gruyter
- Nomos
- World bank
Research data
Publishing research data makes research transparent and reproducible. Universities, publishers and research funding organizations increasingly expect researchers to publish their research data.
The website and the publication “Auffinden – Zitieren – Dokumentieren” offer introductory information.
If you are looking for repositories for research data, the re3data service might help. The DataCite service might be helpful for researching individual data sets internationally.
At the University of Mannheim, you can use MADATA to publish research data. For Economics and Social Sciences, GESIS operates the SowiDataNet/
datorium platform. Subject-specific Internet resources
Subject-specific portals for Business and Economics
EconBiz – Research and subject-specific portal of the ZBW (Leibniz Information Centre for Economics)
RePEc – Research Papers in Economics
SSRN – Social Science Research Network
RFE – Resources for Economists on the Internet
INOMICS – the Site for EconomistsOverview on research institutions
Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World (EDIRC)
Internet resources for subject-specific advice
Research tips for writing assignments – Materials provided by the ZBW (Leibniz Information Centre for Economics)
STW – Thesaurus for EconomicsLocating resources
In the Schloss Ehrenhof Library, the Hasso Plattner Library, you will find literature on Economics which you can use on site. The items are freely accessible and organized according to subject area. Borrowing from this collection is only possible for academic staff of the University of Mannheim.
The Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel hosts more literature on Economics which you can borrow with your ecUM or your library card.
The textbook collection in the Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel hosts multiple copies of the most important textbooks. Students of the University of Mannheim and cooperating institutions are eligible to borrow from the textbook collection.
In the Primo catalog, you can search for the literature available at the University Library.
Local research institutions
Journal ranking
The rankings in the Journal Citation Reports including the “impact factors”, which are recalculated every year, are internationally renowned. Please note: Select the relevant subject, for example Economics, by clicking on “Select Categories” on the left.
The Handelsblatt ranking is a comprehensive ranking of persons and departments. The evaluation is based, inter alia, on publications in journals which are weighted based on the SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR) from the Scopus database. The SCImago Journal Ranking, for example, takes the number of citations and the prestige of the journal into account.
Courses and tutorials
The University Library offers regular trainings on research in Economics. You can watch our online tutorials at any time. We are happy to offer individual advice.
Courses for Economics
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Literatur finden – Recherche in Datenbanken – German-language online seminar on February 20th from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. or April 3rd from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m.
Business Studies and Economics: Literature Search – English-language Ilias course with learning videos and other self-study materials for an introduction to literature search in business studies and economics databases.
Academic writing and research
The collection of the University Library includes a variety of guidebooks on academic writing and research, for example:
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler” by Ebster/
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten” by Manuel René Theisen
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben” by Marcus Oehlrich
“Erfolgreich recherchieren – Wirtschaftswissenschaften” by Pianos/
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler” by Daniela Weber
“Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Wirtschaftsstudium” by Gleitsmann/
At the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, you will find more information on researching literature and academic writing and research in Economics.
The Department of Economics also offers writing advice on its website. Here you will also find information on academic writing and research.
The University Library offers various training and consulting services.
In case of absence, please contact Katharina Selzer.