Academic Writing Consultancy
If you want to better plan your research paper, need more confidence in your writing skills or get feedback on your writing, the academic writing consultancy is the place to go.
The academic writing consultancy helps with questions such as how to find a topic or how to revise a paper. It is open to all students of the University of Mannheim – whether you need help writing your term paper, your bachelor or master’s thesis. We offer advice in German or English.

We are looking forward to your questions, no matter if you are at the beginning of your writing project or you’ve been at it for a while.
The academic writing consultancy helps students to help themselves. We offer advice and support, if you have questions like:
- How do I organize my writing project?
- How can I make my writing flow?
- How can I narrow the topic if I can’t see the forest for the trees?
- How can I broaden the topic if the initial topic is too narrow?
- How do I evaluate sources and cite them correctly in my research?
- What should I do if I am a stuck and unable to complete a task?
- How do I revise my paper?
We are currently offering advice by e-mail or in a personal meeting via videoconference. Please write us your query: schreibberatung.ub.
“Studium: Eine Abschlussarbeit ist keine Religion” – Interview with Jessica Kaiser for the UNI LIVE Column (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung from 13 May 2022, in German)
Materials and links
Structuring, excerpting, citing, writing techniques and writing advice – many writing centers offer useful overviews on academic writing and research. A selection of helpful resources:
- EconBiz: Write your best paper in economics and business studies (PDF, 3,4 MB). ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft
- Writing Center: Exercises and work sheets. Universität Konstanz
- Schreibzentrum (in German). Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
- Schreibzentrum: Material (in German). Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Learning videos (in German)
- Videos on how to find topics, how to research literature and cite sources: LotseTeam (YouTube)
- Videos on writing strategy and writing consultancy: Erklärfilme by the Schreibzentrum of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Online tutorials (in German)
Comprehensive and interactive online tutorials introduce you to academic writing and research in German:
- Krings, Hans P./Holz, Peter/
Siekmeyer, Anne (2011): Der Bremer Schreibcoach - ULB-Lotse: Arbeiten schreiben. ULB Münster
- Krings, Hans P./Holz, Peter/