EDC Library: Result list:
1 entry found
No. 1 | |
Title: | COVID-19 : A turning point for upward convergence in health and healthcare in the EU? |
Series Title: | Policy brief / Eurofound |
Author: | Maftei, Anamaria | Carstens, Jens | Mascherini, Massimiliano |
Editor/ | European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA) |
Publisher: | Publications Office of the EU |
Place: | Luxemburg |
ISBN/ | 978-92-897-2196-7 |
Year/ | 2021 |
Pages: | 28 S. |
Language: | engl. |
Subject: | Sozialfragen : Gesundheitspolitik |
Keyword: | Epidemie |
Shelf Reference: | EDZ-0520.115 |