EDC Library: Result list:

61 entries found
No. 21
Title:Der Europarat: 800 Millionen Europäer
Editor/Corporate Body:Europarat
Pages:109 S.
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen | Institutionelle Fragen : EU-Institutionen
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.5
No. 22
Title:European Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access, Strasbourg 24.I.2001
Parallel Title:Convention Européenne sur la protection juridique des services à accès conditionnel et des services d'accès conditionnel, Strasbourg 24.I.2001
Series Title: European Treaty Series
Editor/Corporate Body:Council of Europe
Publisher:Council of Europe
Pages:8 S.
Language:engl. | franz.
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen | Sozialfragen
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.1.178
No. 23
Title:Penological information bulletin
Editor/Corporate Body:Council of Europe
Publisher:Council of Europe
Year/Date:2000 (Startjahr)
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Statistik
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.7
Holding:detailed Information
No. 24
Title:Family Mediation in Europe: proceedings, 4th European Conference on Family Law, Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg, 1–2 October 1998
Series Title: Proceedings / Council of Europe
Editor/Corporate Body:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Publisher:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Pages:180 S.
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen | Sozialfragen
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.2
No. 25
Title:Legal issues / Council of Europe
Editor/Corporate Body:Council of Europe
Publisher:Council of Europe Publishing
Year/Date:1999 (Startjahr)
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.3
Holding:detailed Information
No. 26
Title:ECRI report on Croatia
Parallel Title:Report on Croatia|ECRI's country-by-country approach : Report on Croatia
Editor/Corporate Body:Council of Europe / European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
Publisher:Council of Europe / Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs / ECRI Secretariat
Year/Date:1999 (Startjahr)
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.43
Holding:detailed Information
No. 27
Title:ECRI report on Estonia
Parallel Title:Report on Estonia : ECRI's country-by-country approach
Editor/Corporate Body:Council of Europe / European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
Publisher:Council of Europe / Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs / ECRI Secretariat
Year/Date:1999 (Startjahr)
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.18
Holding:detailed Information
No. 28
Title:ECRI report on Romania
Parallel Title:Report on Romania : ECRI's country-by-country approach
Editor/Corporate Body:Council of Europe / European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
Publisher:Council of Europe / Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs / ECRI Secretariat
Year/Date:1999 (Startjahr)
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.33
Holding:detailed Information
No. 29
Title:ECRI report on the United Kingdom
Parallel Title:Report on the United Kingdom : ECRI's country-by-country approach
Editor/Corporate Body:Council of Europe / European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
Publisher:Council of Europe / Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs / ECRI Secretariat
Year/Date:1999 (Startjahr)
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen
Keyword:Vereinigtes Königreich
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.39
Holding:detailed Information
No. 30
Title:ECRI-Bericht über Österreich
Parallel Title:Bericht über Österreich : ECRI länderspezifischer Ansatz
Editor/Corporate Body:Council of Europe / European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
Publisher:Council of Europe / Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs / ECRI Secretariat
Year/Date:1999 (Startjahr)
Subject:Auswärtige Beziehungen : Multilaterale Beziehungen und internationale Organisationen : Europarat | Recht und Rechtsfragen
Shelf Reference:EDZ-1121.30
Holding:detailed Information
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