Data offering
The FDZ offers access to licensed databases and sources as well as various data sources created in-house.
Data sources and databases
The data offered by the FDZ comprises various data sources. For example, the FDZ produces data by converting printed sources into electronic, machine-readable formats. For this data, the data offering includes specialised datasets from the fields of economics and social sciences. In terms of content, the focus is on the provision of economic data, in particular company data. The data offering also includes datasets that the FDZ has taken over from university research projects in order to make the data available to researchers in the long term.
Aktienführer data archive
The Aktienführer data archive contains annual profiles of several thousand listed German stock corporations. The profiles contain the most important key figures such as company headquarters, field of activity, number of employees, shareholdings, shareholders, balance sheets and the profit and loss account. The data is based on the publications “Hoppenstedt Aktienführer” and “Saling's Börsenpapiere”.
Access and use
Use of the database is authorised for academic and teaching purposes. The database is activated for institutions within Germany via the infrastructure of the national licences and for individual users directly via a request to the FDZ. On-site use of the available research data is possible at any user workstation at Mannheim University Library.
To the Aktienführer data archive:
To the Aktienführer Knowledge Graph:
To the Aktienführer SPARQL endpoint:
To the Aktienführer Reconciliation Service:
Bankruptcy database
The bankruptcy database includes all bankruptcy proceedings conducted in the 15 largest cities in the German Empire – a total of 55,197 bankruptcies in the period from 1879 to 1914. The database provides detailed information on all debtors and bankruptcy administrators. The data records were generated from the digital complete edition of the German Reichsanzeiger and Prussian Staatsanzeiger. The database was created as part of Christoph Kling's legal history dissertation project at the Chair of Civil Law, European Legal History and Rhetoric at the University of Mannheim (holder: Prof Dr Ulrich Falk).
Access and use
The database can be used by anyone under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public Licence. The only condition is that the source is acknowledged.
To the bankruptcy database:
German Reichsanzeiger and Prussian Staatsanzeiger
In a DFG project and several previous projects, Mannheim University Library digitised the newspaper “Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger” from the years 1819 to 1945. The publication contains official notices, publications of the central commercial register and a stock exchange supplement. A full-text search is available by processing the scans with OCR.
Access and use
The digitised collections of the FDZ are free to use. Further information can be found here: Public Domain Mark 1.0.
Access to the Reichsanzeiger:
Reichsanzeiger OCR Ground Truth Data:
Reichsanzeiger NER/
NEL Ground Truth Corpus: German Statistical Yearbooks
The Statistical Yearbooks of the German Reich, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic contain data on the economy, population, social affairs and health from 1880 to 1990.
Access and use
The digitised holdings of the German Statistical Yearbooks are free to use. Further information can be found under Public Domain Mark 1.0.
To the Statistical Yearbooks:
Official municipal directories
In a research project, Mannheim University Library digitised selected German municipal directories from the period between 1880 and 1976. The publication contains historical censuses and population surveys at municipal level from the German Reich, the FRG and the GDR. A full-text search is available by processing the scans with OCR.
Link to the municipal directories:
LinguaPix is a database for image naming standards that was developed as part of a crowdsourcing megastudy funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. In the megastudy, 1,620 colour photographs of objects from 43 semantic categories were named and rated by a group of German, Dutch, English, Polish and Cantonese speakers. In this way, linguistic standards such as speech onset, conceptual agreement, visual complexity and emotionality could be determined. In addition to photos and linguistic standards, the database also contains audio files, making it one of the largest databases of its kind. Further details can be found in the publication by Krautz and Keuleers (2022).
Access and use
The images in the LinguaPix database may only be used for non-commercial purposes in research, study and teaching. There are two access options. Basic access is possible by registering on this page. For full access, a licence agreement must be signed; please contact the University Library (erwerbungsleitung.ub). uni-mannheim.deTo the LinguaPix database:
Mechanical engineering industry knowledge graph
The mechanical engineering knowledge graph contains structured data from the book “Die Maschinen-Industrie im Deutschen Reich”, written by Herbert Patschan in 1937. The book was scanned, processed using OCR, structured and semantically enriched at the Mannheim University Library. The data contains basic information on German companies in the engineering industry.
Data set:
Data paper:
Reconciliation API:
Wer Leitet (WL) knowledge graph
The “Wer Leitet” (WL) knowledge graph contains structured data from the “Wer Leitet?” books. The book pages were scanned, OCRed, structured and semantically enriched at the University Library Mannheim. The graph contains information about people who ran various companies in Germany between 1940 and 1941.
Reconciliation API:
Handbuch der Deutschen Aktiengesellschaften (HbAG) knowledge graph
The “Handbuch der Deutschen Aktiengesellschaften” (HbAG) knowledge graph contains structured data from the HbAG books published since 1896. The books have been scanned, OCRed, structured and semantically enriched. The data contains basic information about German companies, including company name, industry and location.
Reconciliation API: