Venue: Hybrid at FUCHS-Festsaal (O138), Schloss Schneckenhof, University of Mannheim and via Zoom
Date: 12 October, 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Contact: Dr. David Philip Morgan, Dr. Philipp Zumstein
We are pleased to announce that the 5th annual Mannheim Open Science Day on the October 12th, 2023. The Open Science Day is a fantastic opportunity to showcase, share and discuss the diverse array of Open Science activities and experiences taking place at the University of Mannheim and beyond.
This year, our keynote speaker will be Dr. Anne Gartner who will present Open Science as a good researcher practice. Other topics like experiences with preregistration in Marketing research and Open Data and Replication in Economics will be covered as well as a series talks of best practices in Open Science from the University of Mannheim.
All members and researchers of the University of Mannheim and beyond are invited to join our Open Science Day.
Moderation: Prof. Henning Hillmann
University Librarian, University of Mannheim
Vice President for Research and Early-Stage Researchers, University of Mannheim
Open Science Office: Uptake of Open Science at the University of Mannheim
Open Science Office, University of Mannheim
Slides (PDF, 1,9 MB)
Open Science as a good practice in doctoral training and shifting incentives for Open Science in Academia
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Differential and Personality Psychology, Technische Universität Dresden
Slides (PDF, 8,6 MB)
Moderation: Dr. Philipp Zumstein
Preregistration and Data Repository Practices in Business and Marketing Research
Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Innovation, Universität Mannheim
Slides (PDF, 2,6 MB)
Practical Experiences with Data and Replication policies in Economics Journals
Prof. Dr. Arthur Seibold
Juniorprofessur für VWL, Finanzwissenschaft, Universität Mannheim
Slides (PDF, 20 KB)
Moderation: Dr. David Philip Morgan
Blessed be ye poor: An open and citizen-focused approach to study cultural religiosity
Dr. Jana Berkessel and Anne Wendelken
Post-doctoral Researcher, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Mannheim
Slides (PDF, 813 KB)
Understanding the underlying mechanisms of cross-linguistic influence: Evidence from priming in German-Italian bilinguals
Post-doctoral Researcher, Philosophische Fakultät, Universität Mannheim
Slides (PDF, 1,04 MB)
Can emotions explain how threat rhetoric shapes preferences for freedom versus security
Post-doctoral Researcher, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Mannheim
Slides (PDF, 10,73 MB)
Emotionality effects in source memory: What are the effects of age and experimental environment
Post-doctoral Researcher, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Mannheim
Slides (PDF, 1,01 MB)
Moderation: Dr. David Philip Morgan
Open Science Fishbowl (on-site only)
How it works:
A few seats will be placed in the middle of the room, and filled by a few volunteers in the middle. A couple of seats will be left empty. The remaining guests will congregate around the seats in the middle of the room.
Participants sat in the middle will begin to discuss led by a moderator. After some discussion has taken place another person may join an empty chair at which time one person already seated must voluntarily leave.
The main discussion in this fishbowl will be about:
Implementing Open Science Practices in Research: Who does what? And why? And Who is responsible to check that Open Science is done right?
Closing words
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